Ami Aharonovich ilOUG / DBAces

Oracle ACE Pro

Ami Aharonovich, Brillix-DBAces CEO, President of ilOUG (Israel Oracle User Group), Oracle ACE and OCP (Oracle Certified Professional) DBA with over sixteen years of expertise as an Oracle DBA consultant and instructor, specializing in Oracle database core technologies.

Ami is an Oracle University instructor and has vast experience in training Oracle courses and delivering core Oracle database technology sessions and seminars throughout the world including the US, Canada, England, Ireland, Norway, Finland, Romania, Latvia, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia, Cyprus and Israel. He is a frequent speaker in various conventions and user group conferences throughout the world including at the Oracle Open World annual convention, OAUG Collaborate, ODTUG Kscope and the DOAG conference in Germany, educating hundreds of attendees, and has gained exceptional feedback.


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