DBA & Infrasturcture
Thursday, 19. October 2017., 14:50
Hall A
AWR reports or AWR Difference reports are unable to show clearly how performance changes over time (specific SQLs, statistics or wait events), however, the data is captured by the snapshots and is stored in the Automatic Workload Repository. In this presentation, I will show how to access that data and in will explain at which circumstances it\'s useful to look at it to find out more about the ongoing issues. The presentation will include examples of issues being solved by using this approach or AWR mining, and will provide simple queries that every attendee will be able to use or adapt for their specific needs. The attendees will learn to troubleshoot and forecast the performance issues more efficiently after attending this presentation.
The conference is organized by the Croatian Association of Oracle users. More about the association can be found at Hroug.hr.